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Ocean Science & Business2Sea Networking
One Sustainable Ocean is an initiative led by Lisbon City Council, with several side events that will happen following the United Nations Ocean Conference. One of them – Ocean Science & Business2Sea - will be held beneath the roof of Pavilhão de Portugal, which is located just 3 minutes away, by foot, from the main conference.
This event will have a dedicated area for companies and scientific institutions to showcase their products and services, an auditorium where the main conferences will take place, workshop rooms and a B2B networking lounge. During the conference, visitants and exhibitors interested in networking will be able to schedule physical meetings - private, pre-arranged bilateral meetings and networking through this webpage.
This is a free entry event focused on the ocean future, sustainability, circular economy, and innovation, totally aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life below water.
Please be advised that it is also necessary to register for the general event to have access to the networking area.